Paper Ferralles Batlle Carton Ferralles Batlle  Carton Ferralles Batlle Paper Ferralles Batlle Paper Ferralles Batlle Paper Ferralles Batlle

Varieties of paper and cardboard:

Cardboard, White File, Color File, Periodic Paper, Magazine Paper, Monitor

The waste paper and cardboard can be crushed and recycled forces times. However, in each cycle, 15 to 20 percent of the fibers become too small and are not recoverable. The trash industry recycles its own waste and those collected from other companies, packaging and packaging manufacturers and the printers, we make a preliminary selection and transport it to its destination so that it can be reused. Our process consists of separating and choosing the material and then transporting it to a plant where they make their mixture with water to be converted into paper pulp. The lowest quality paste is used to make cardboard. The impurities are removed from the best quality pasta to produce superior quality products.